Expand programme:
"The expand programme is designed to help you excel at your healing meditation practice. The service includes 4 meditations per month, a group Q&A and a one to one with me to see where you are getting stuck and how to move forward."

Self-Care Sunday Event: 05.06.2022, 6pm
Topic: Self care Sunday
Time: Jun 5, 2022 06:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 9536 3326
Passcode: 158438

6-6 Gateway Event- Reclamation of Arc Light Principles: 06.06.2022, 6pm
A meditation calibration healing and activation to redirect all flows of light from negative to positive charge, aligned with the highest source light trajectories.
I will look forward to seeing you there on this powerful gateway.

Summer Solstice Event: 21.06.2022, 6pm
A Summer Solstice meditation to activate and heal, building union.