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January Energy Report 2023- Happy New Year!


Self Care Sunday

Topic: Self care Sunday Time:

Jan 7, 2023 06:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 880 0171 4860

Passcode: 825684

Inner Child Wound Work

Inner Child Wound Work- : 11.1.2023, 8.30pm

Inner child wound healing, to dissolve and resolve childhood trauma and calibration fields to harmonize flows to current trajectories.

Distorted to Divine Masculine

21.1.2023-: 6pm (UK Time)

Everyone has a Masculine energy and a Feminine energy within them. When one becomes out of balance with the other, the flow of energy can disrupt multiple areas of life. Take the patriarchal control structures we witness in our day to day lives, all held in place through a distorted masculine flow. As we work to heal ourself and break down these levels of distortion we move away from a place where we cannot defend ourselves and our energy or even support ourselves to a place where we can manage and stand strong in sovereignty. After my trip to Rome, I feel so excited to get started to really start collapsing out the falling masculine structures within our fields after doing this through the planetary body. I will look forward to working with you.

Expand programme

"The expand programme is designed to help you excel at your healing meditation practice. The service includes 4 meditations per month, a group Q&A and a one to one with me to see where you are getting stuck and how to move forward."

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